Celestina Fazia

Dr. Celestina Fazia (Reggio Calabria). Architect, PhD in Spatial Planning, MS in “Research Technicians specialized in new technologies for land defense and environmental protection.” Associate Professor of Urban Planning (Cear 12/B) at the Department of Engineering and Architecture, Kore University of Enna. She has decades of experience in the field of urban, land and environmental planning in both research and professional settings. He has drafted urban planning and environmental assessment tools. A former TDi Researcher at the DArTe of the Mediterranea University of Reggio Calabria and previously RTD at the Kore University of Enna, she has been a research fellow and adjunct professor at the two universities. Member of national and international research groups, for: the establishment of the Strait Integrated Area; the Technical Table for the drafting of a Feasibility Study for the improvement of the connection systems in the Strait Area; the Italian Contribution to the UN Resolution on the city crisis. She is responsible for numerous research conventions, including international ones: “SS_Consumption Stop Soil consumption: between reuse and regeneration,” signed between the departments of the Kore University of Enna and the University of Oradea (Romania); ‘RaRe_Reuse and regeneration contexts: disused defense sites, infrastructure and brownfield sites’ between the departments of three universities, Oradea, UM6P Polytechnic University of Morocco and Kore University of Enna; “AmbeS_1 Environment and Health, protection and safeguard”; MOD_RetEc, with the Municipality of Modica; A.Ma.Te Sponde, with the DArTe of the Mediterranea University of Reggio Calabria. Consultant for Public Entities and Companies, she coordinated and drafted the Masterplan for the Strait Area_Consiglio Regionale della Calabria; she was Senior Consultant for the International Cooperation sector and former member of the EIA-VAS-IPPC Nucleus of the Region of Calabria; Consultant for the Territorial Analysis of the stable crossing system of the Strait of Messina, Parsons Transportation group. She is the author of 150 scientific publications.