Lello Caravaglios the notary in ballet paper ”is a biography with a fictional cut that traces the life of the Neapolitan singer-songwriter - who later became a notary - in a pleasant and singular form.
A story that, through a series of episodes, situations, events, highlights the versatility of the character.
Lello Caravaglios who, with his magical interpretations, his way of putting the pieces so personal, so atypical and so unique, managed to make every evening unforgettable; artist who, with his notes, has made an entire generation live unrepeatable moments and that the city of Naples remembers with nostalgia. Everything has as its theme the love between Lello Caravaglios and his wife Marisa, a love that continues to live even though Lello is no longer there. The biography inevitably becomes a biography of the couple, as the author herself states in the work: "Her biography is the biography of this couple, memories are their memories, locked in the wonderful casket to which each of them had the key" .